I'm trying to create VBA code that will only copy and paste the table from the sheet onto another sheet. I'm receiving the following Run-time error: 1004 The 'Range' method of the '_Global' object failed. My best bet is that I am misrepresenting one or more of the sources. Why am I misusing this? I sincerely appreciate any assistance.
This is the code:
Sub Final_Report()
' Final_Report Macro
Sheets("Main Table(Atlas)").Select
Dim rngData As Range
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intColumn As Integer
intRow = Range("AtlasReport_1_Table_1!11").Row
intColumn = Range("AtlasReport_1_Table_1!1").Column
Set rngData = Worksheets("AtlasReport_1_Table_1").UsedRange
rngData.Offset(intRow - 1, intColumn - 1).Resize(rngData.Rows.Count - intRow + 1, rngData.Columns.Count - intColumn + 1).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub