What is the data type of 1 in python

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a = (1)
b = ('y')

The output of type(a) is int, isn't it supposed to be a tuple? Similarly, type(b) is str.

How does this make it an int or str or float etc for the single value inside the round brackets?

Jan 3, 2023 in Python by erzan
• 630 points

1 answer to this question.

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Typecasting is the process of converting one data type into another data type. In Python, typecasting can be done using the following methods:

  1. int() - This function is used to convert a number or a string to an integer.

  2. float() - This function is used to convert a number or a string to a float.

  3. str() - This function is used to convert a number or a boolean value to a string.

  4. bool() - This function is used to convert a number or a string to a boolean value (True or False).

For example:

x = 10
y = "20"

# convert x to a float
z = float(x)

# convert y to an integer
w = int(y)

# convert w to a string
a = str(w)

# convert z to a boolean value
b = bool(z)

In the above example, the value of x is an integer and it is converted to a float and stored in z. The value of y is a string and it is converted to an integer and stored in w. The value of w is then converted to a string and stored in a. Finally, the value of z is converted to a boolean value and stored in b.

Master the art of Data Science with Python and unlock the power of insights.

answered Jan 4, 2023 by Elton
• 400 points

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