AWS S3 Bucket created with force delete true fails to delete with Access Denied via terraform

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I create an s3 bucket via terraform for the purpose of storing VPC Flow Logs:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket                      = local.bucket_name
  force_destroy               = true
  tags                        = var.tags

After the bucket is created, and flow-log service is created, there are a few entries under "/AWSLogs/..."

after I remove the flow-log service I attempt the terraform destroy, but it fails with the following entry, one for each object:

deleting: S3 object (AWSLogs/.../...98d659c.log.gz) version (null): AccessDenied: Access Denied

there are no policies, because they get deleted first.

ACLs are bucket owner and s3 log delivery group have full access, the rest are turned off. and owner is set to

Dec 29, 2022 in AWS by Tejashwini
• 3,820 points

edited 5 days ago 5 views

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