I'm simply gathering all the text on the first sheet with red font colour and storing it in an array. After that, I want to switch to a different sheet and open a particular cell where I want to initially enter the values from my prior array. However, the section where I selected a cell on the other page produced an error code of 400. Having previously utilized it, I am certain that it is correct. I'm not sure whether there's any manipulation in my code at the beginning that could have an impact on that.
Sub isFontRed()
Cells(2, 1).Select
Dim missingJobs(0 To 600) As String
Dim size As Integer, row As Integer, col As Integer, jobIndex As Integer
jobIndex = 0
For row = 2 To 10 '600
For col = 1 To 2
If (CStr(Cells(row, col).Font.ColorIndex) = 3) Then
missingJobs(jobIndex) = Cells(row, col)
jobIndex = jobIndex + 1
End If
Next col
Next row
Dim jobs As String
jobs = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(missingJobs) - 1
jobs = jobs + missingJobs(i) + ", "
Next i
Worksheets("New Jobs in New Folder").Activate
Cells(4, 2).Activate
End Sub