Running multiple MSCK REPAIR TABLE statements in AWS Athena

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So I'm trying to execute the following in AWS Athena which allows to run only one statement at a time:

MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table_001;
MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table_002;
MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table_003;

Problem is, I just don't have three statements, I have 700+ similar statements and would like to run those all 700+ in one go as batch.

So using AWS CloudShell CLI and tried running the following:

aws athena start-query-execution --query-string "MSCK REPAIR TABLE `some_table_001`;"  --work-group "primary" \
--query-execution-context Database=some_database \
--result-configuration "OutputLocation=s3://some_bucket/some_folder" 

..hoping I could use Excel to generate 700+ statements like this and run as batch

..but keep getting this error:

An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the StartQueryExecution operation: line 1:1: mismatched input 'MSCK'. Expecting: 'ALTER', 'ANALYZE', 'CALL', 'COMMIT', 'CREATE', 'DEALLOCATE', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DROP', 'EXECUTE', 'EXPLAIN', 'GRANT', 'INSERT', 'PREPARE', 'RESET', 'REVOKE', 'ROLLBACK', 'SET', 'SHOW', 'START', 'UNLOAD', 'UPDATE', 'USE', <query>

Not sure what I'm doing wrong as the same MSCK command seems to run fine in Athena console. I know Athena is finicky when it comes to




(different types of single quotes), I tried both but didn't get it work.

Any thoughts on possible solution?

Dec 16, 2022 in AWS by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

edited 6 days ago 17 views

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