Base language of Python

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Since Python is merely a set of rules, you can't claim that it was created in a particular programming language (like syntax rules, or descriptions of standard functionality). Consequently, we may conclude that it is written in English:). But certain programming languages allow for the implementation of the aforementioned rules. Therefore, if you type "import this" into the interpreter programme, it will return "Zen of Python."

Compilers and interpreters for contemporary high-level languages are also written in C as the majority of modern operating systems are. The most well-known and "classic" version of Python is called CPython, and it is built in the C programming language.

There are further applications such as:

IronPython (Python running on .NET)
Jython (Python running on the Java Virtual Machine)
Nov 17, 2022 in Python by Samuel
• 460 points

edited 5 days ago 5 views

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