Connecting Raspberry Pi to Internet Using Ethernet Cable

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I am not finding this question in SF history, which was a surprise, so I'll go ahead and ask it.

I am working on an IoT Raspberry Pi project with Windows 10 and need to connect it to the internet via an Ethernet/USB adapter. The adapter itself is made by Belkin. Using this, I can see an ip of 169.stuff get generated for my Pi, which is a private ip. I can deploy code to that from my connected box, however other devices are not able to reach it, and it is not able to make connections out to any servers.

I'm wondering if anybody knows how to bridge the connection.

I am attempting to use the new Azure IoT Hub and the SDK with this in case that makes any differences as that is not a simple rest interface and I believe is some form of socket connection.

Please help !

Sep 21, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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I do this by creating a DHCP server on my laptop and connecting the Pi directly to it. 

I followed these instructions to get it working:

  1. Download DHCP Server for Windows. It is a 100kB download.
  2. Go to the IPv4 properties page of the Ethernet adapter and set a fixed IP address, say
  3. Run the DHCP Server Wizard (downloaded above)
  4. Select the Ethernet adapter from the list shown
  5. Save the configuration file and start up the DHCP Server
  6. Click the 'Continue as tray app' button in the server control panel.
  7. Boot up the Raspberry Pi
  8. A popup notification shows the IP address assigned by the DHCP server to the Raspberry Pi.
  9. Use a SSH client, like PuTTy, to connect to the IP address shown

Hope this works!

answered Sep 21, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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