Converting feet inches e g 5 ft 1 in to decimal feet using VBA or Excel

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I have a database with a few columns that store height data in the following format...

8 ft 4 in

5 ft 1 in

8 ft 6 in

12 ft 0 in

and so forth, for a total of more than 20,000 records spread across three columns. I need to do this conversion to decimal feet using either a VBA module or an excel formula. I don't know where I'm going wrong, but I've modified another VBA script I used to convert coordinates specified in degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees

Function ConvertFtInches(pInput As String) As Double
Dim xFt As Double
Dim xIn As Double
xFt = Val(Left(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, " ft") - 1))
xIn = Val(Mid(pInput, InStr(1, pInput, " ft") + 2, _
             InStr(1, pInput, " in") - InStr(1, pInput, _
             " ft") - 2)) / 12
ConvertFtInches = xFt + xIn
End Function

As a rookie with VBA, I could be completely wrong. Given that it is an adaption from another script, there is undoubtedly a problem with the script. There might be a simpler Excel formula available.

I'm hoping someone can assist. The conversions for values that are not formatted similarly to mine are included in all the other discussions.

Nov 2, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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