TRY THIS #Nomalisation for i in names: print(i) ...READ MORE
Try this: df['ln_returns'] = np.log(df['Close_mid']/df['Close_mid']) df['Close_mid'](1)) doesn't seem to ...READ MORE
Here's my code: import math print("Hey, lets solve Task ...READ MORE
“TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable” is ...READ MORE
The right datatype for destination in argpasrse module ...READ MORE
write at start of code import speech_recognition as ...READ MORE
The issue is in the line: int([x[age1]]) The solution ...READ MORE
int([x[age1]]) You are attempting to access the age1 index ...READ MORE
Python doesn't know what $FILEDIR is. Try an absolute path ...READ MORE
key is just a variable name. for key ...READ MORE
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