I have excel in this excel multiple sheets available but I want read only one sheet from this excel. also i want read data from other sheets but same sheet in using formula please help me.
sheet1 , sheet2 , sheet3 ,sheet4 etc.
I want to read sheet2 and also suppose sheet1 data read in same sheet using formula
formula is like =sheet1!J10 means i want read sheet1 J10 value but i tried to read value using below code but not getting.
const Excel = require('exceljs');
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
workbook.xlsx.readFile(req.files[0].path).then(() => {
var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet("sheet2");
worksheet.getCell('C' + 100).formula = '=sheet1!J10';
console.log("getValue", worksheet.getCell('C'+ 100).value);