First of all Ethereum network doesn't provide any API to create wallet. Any 40 digit hexadecimal string is a valid ethereum wallet with 0x as prefix. Each wallet is created using some private key. Private key is 64 digit hexadecimal string.
Ex: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaais a valid private key.
And you will find address corresponding to this private key to be 0x8fd379246834eac74B8419FfdA202CF8051F7A03
Private keys should be very strong and tough to guess. So practically it is created by key derivative function.
For Node.js i use keythereum
function createWallet(password) {
const params = {keyBytes: 32, ivBytes: 16};
const dk = keythereum.create(params);
const options = {
kdf: 'pbkdf2',
cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
kdfparams: { c: 262144, dklen: 32, prf: 'hmac-sha256' }
const keyObject = keythereum.dump(password, dk.privateKey, dk.salt, dk.iv, options);
return keyObject;
/* for getting private key from keyObject */
function getPrivateKey(password, keyObject) {
return keythereum.recover(password, keyObject);
const keyObject = createWallet("My Super secret password");
const walletAddress = '0x' + keyObject.address;
const privateKey = getPrivateKey("My Super secret password", keyObject);