A view offers a number of advantages.
1. Views may conceal complexity.
If your query involves sophisticated logic or calculations, needs combining many tables, or both, you can build all of that logic into a view and pick data from it just like you would from a table.
2. Views could be a security mechanism.
With permissions defined on the view rather than the underlying tables, a view can choose certain columns and/or rows from a table (or tables). As a result, only the data that a user needs to see can be surfaced.
3. Views can make maintaining legacy code simpler.
You can substitute a table with a view of the same name if a table refactoring would break a lot of code. While the actual schema has changed, the view offers the exact same schema as the original table. By preventing the legacy code that uses the table from failing, you can modify the legacy code whenever you like.
These are only a few of the numerous instances when perspectives can be helpful.