I have been trying to make a query to the coin.mx site in a C# app, and I keep getting a 403 forbidden error. Their example uses python:
base64.b64encode(str(HMAC(YOUR_SECRET, PATH+'?'+S, sha512).digest())),
where PATH is a http path (e.x. "/api/v2/trader/info")
given my secret is a hex string of the form "d1e2a3d4", I calculate my signature as follows:
HMACSHA512 mHasher512 = new HMACSHA512(secret);
var path = "/api/v2/trader/info?nonce=123"
var msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( path );
var hash = mHasher512.ComputeHash(msg);
var hashb64 = Convert.ToBase64String(hash);
return hashb64;