What s the difference between Google Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL

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I am new to the GCP stack and am overwhelmed by the variety of GCP solutions available for data storage:


Despite the fact that Google Cloud Storage is not mentioned in the aforementioned article, I am aware that it exists and is used for data storage: https://cloud.google.com/spanner.

In my present opinion, there is no discernible difference between cloud spanner and cloud SQL (which uses Postgres as its database engine). Although I discovered that it has a little different syntax, it is unclear whether I should choose this technology over spring cloud SQL.

Would you kindly elaborate?

Aug 18, 2022 in Database by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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Regarding what they do, there is not a lot of variation between them (storing data in tables). The distinction is between how they manage data on a small and large scale. When managing large amounts of data with a high level of consistency and a lot of data handling (+100,000 reads/writes per second), Cloud Spanner is employed. Better SLOs and scalability are provided by spanner.

However, Spanner is also significantly more expensive than Cloud SQL. Cloud SQL is the best option if all you need is an inexpensive solution to store a small amount of client data without having to deal with server configuration. If you are planning to create a big product or if you want to be ready for a huge increase in users for your application (viral games/applications) Spanner is the right product.

I hope this helps you.
answered Aug 19, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

edited Mar 5

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