I have written a getprice function for retrieving stock tickers from yahoo and bitcoin prices from an online api. However the code for bitcoin results in an #value! in my excel cell. But it performs fine when I run the function from the immediate box in VB.
This is my code:
Function GetPrice(strTicker As String, Optional dtDate As Variant)
Debug.Print "Getting Price..."
' Date is optional - if omitted, use today. If value is not a date, throw error.
If IsMissing(dtDate) Then
dtDate = Date
If Not (IsDate(dtDate)) Then
GetPrice = CVErr(xlErrNum)
Debug.Print "Date problem!"
End If
End If
' Define variables
Dim dtPrevDate As Date
Dim strURL As String, strCSV As String, strDate As String, strRows() As String, strColumns() As String
Dim priceArray() As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim dbClose As Double
dbClose = 1 ' default for if price not found
' for stock tickers look at a weeks worth of data in case date is weekend
dtPrevDate = dtDate - 7
' Treat bitcoin separately and compile CSV with all BTC data
If strTicker = "BTCUSD" Then
' go to the URL
strURL = "https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/history/USD/per_day_all_time_history.csv"
priceArray = CsvToArray(strURL) 'convert to array
' Bitcoin date search
strDate = CStr(dtDate)
Debug.Print "Date: "; strDate
' side question but i dont understand why this vloopkup doesnt work???
'dbClose = Application.VLookup(DateValue(strDate), priceArray, 4, False) ' lookup value in column d
'try parsing array manually instead
For i = LBound(priceArray) To UBound(priceArray)
If CStr(priceArray(i, 1)) = strDate Then
dbClose = CDbl(priceArray(i, 4))
Exit For
dbClose = 1
End If
Next i
' For all other tickers
' Compile the request URL with start date and end date
Debug.Print "stock ticker:"; strTicker
strURL = "http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=" & strTicker & _
"&a=" & Month(dtPrevDate) - 1 & _
"&b=" & Day(dtPrevDate) & _
"&c=" & Year(dtPrevDate) & _
"&d=" & Month(dtDate) - 1 & _
"&e=" & Day(dtDate) & _
"&f=" & Year(dtDate) & _
' Declare an object as the http data
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", strURL, False
strCSV = http.responseText
' The most recent information is in row 2, just below the table headings.
' The price close is the 5th entry
strRows() = Split(strCSV, Chr(10)) ' split the CSV into rows
strColumns = Split(strRows(1), ",") ' split the relevant row into columns. 1 means 2nd row, starting at index 0
dbClose = strColumns(4) ' 4 means: 5th position, starting at index 0
End If
If dbClose = 1 Then
GetPrice = "Not Found"
Debug.Print "GetPrice"; GetPrice
GetPrice = dbClose
Debug.Print "Price: "; GetPrice
End If
Set http = Nothing
End Function
Function CsvToArray(filepath As String) As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim array1() As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filepath)
array1 = wb.Sheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
wb.Close False
CsvToArray = array1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function