It works fine on my local machine with .aws configured. However, lambda is unable to connect with the dynamodb tables through the auto-generated iam role. I even tried adding a policy explicitly to the role via IAM console:
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "dynamodb:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:ap-south-1:*:table/*"
But still getting this error (Debug Logs):
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) on request (SQ60ECK3UMM6LLEBC2K04S6HE7VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG) on table (lmk_staging_posts) when calling the DescribeTable operation:
2018-02-26 00:11:18.723000 3ca1b0 [DEBUG] 2018-02-25T18:41:18.722Z Calling DescribeTable with arguments {'TableName': 'lmk_staging_posts'}
2018-02-26 00:19:16.045000 5e175a [DEBUG] 2018-02-25T18:49:16.45Z Calling DescribeTable with arguments {'TableName': 'lmk_staging_posts'}
2018-02-26 00:19:16.110000 5e175a [DEBUG] 2018-02-25T18:49:16.110Z Calling DescribeTable with arguments {'TableName': 'lmk_staging_comments'}
2018-02-26 00:19:16.157000 5e175a [DEBUG] 2018-02-25T18:49:16.157Z Calling DescribeTable with arguments {'TableName': 'lmk_staging_groups'}
2018-02-26 00:19:16.200000 5e175a [DEBUG] 2018-02-25T18:49:16.199Z Calling DescribeTable with arguments {'TableName': 'lmk_staging_user_profile'}