Let me give you a simple example:
if ( a + b )
C/C+= allows an implicit conversion from float to int to Boolean.
A strongly-typed language would not allow such an implicit conversion.
This has nothing to do with performan ...READ MORE
Auto was a keyword that C++ "inherited" from C and had been around for a long time but was almost never used because there were only two possibilities: it wasn't allowed or it was assumed by default. C++11 introduced the usage of auto to denote an inferred type. Similarly to how template type deduction works for function templates, auto x = initializer deduces the type of x from the type of initializer. Consider the following function template: template<class T> int whatever(T t) { ...READ MORE
Your installation must be defective! I have a Mac, and I'm typing this on it while using TurboC++. Consider uninstalling and then reinstalling the programme. Download the package in the same way as you would a.dmg programme from the internet. (For example, drag and drop the programme into the Applications folder) Ascertain that your Applications folder is global to your system. This is what I mean: When in Finder, select the "GO" option from the top menu bar. From the drop down option, choose "Computer." In the newly opened window, click on your hard disc. There is a "Applications" folder there. That's where you should put TurboC++. Go to Launchpad, and start Turbo C++. ...READ MORE
Why does the following output 1? #include <iostream> class Test { }; int ...READ MORE
An associative container is std::map. The standard's ...READ MORE
No. There is no scope resolution operator ...READ MORE
Python is both strongly and dynamically typed. Strongly ...READ MORE
There is a seemingly undocumented feature of setup that ...READ MORE
Hadoop is not designed for records about ...READ MORE
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