The route is created in appConfigRoutes.php, and I'm using the form open() helper method within the view to specify the controller method to handle the form submission action.
Still receiving a mistake No route found for "registrations/index."
Please help with this problem. The provided code snippets can be found below.

register.php view file:
<?php echo form_open('/registrations/index'); ?>
Registrations.php controller:
class Registrations extends BaseController {
public function index() {
$data['coursename'] = $this->getCourseName();
log_message('info','name field >' . $this->request->getVar('iname') . '<<');
echo view('templates/header');
echo view('pages/register', $data);
echo view('templates/footer');
$routes->get('/registrations/index', 'Registrations::index');