Below Will help you:
Opera: The OperaDriver supports Opera 12.x. It is theoretically possible to use the chromedriver executable for Opera 15+, but Opera Software has yet to make the necessary changes in Opera to allow this.
Chrome: Version support is determined by the chromedriver exectuable used, and is available at the chromedriver download site, but is usually stated as the current and previous stable channel releases, the current beta channel release, and the current dev channel release, as determined by the date of release of the chromedriver executable.
IE: Versions 6-10 supported. Version 11 should work fine but is untested. IE6 support is to be discontinued on 15 April 2014.
Firefox: Versions supported using native events are the current version, immediately previous version, current extended support release (ESR) version and immediately previous ESR release, as determined from the date of release of the Selenium components. The last public Selenium release at the time of this writing was on 27 August 2013, and at the time, that means the supported Firefox versions were 23 (current), 22 (previous), 17 (current ESR), and 10 (previous ESR). This is complicated by the fact that this version support is only applies to so-called "native events"; if you don't use native events, a much wider range of Firefox versions is supported.