Blockchain and HyperLedger difference

+2 votes

While I am trying to understand the blockchain technology, I came across HyperLedger Fabric. As per the documentation, it is an implementation of blockchain technology.

What does that mean? Is blockchain just a concept and HyperLeder, an implementation of that concept?

UPDATED: Where does the hyper ledger fabric store the transactions? I understand that it is a p2p architecture and every peer has a copy of the transactions, but usually, these transactions is a growing set. Does every peer have a copy of growing transactions? I am not clear on this yet. Does the community recommend any database?

Sep 7, 2018 in Blockchain by vinodkumar
• 170 points
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3 answers to this question.

+2 votes
Best answer

Hey, you got it right! Blockchain is just an idea for distrubuted database. Hyperledger is an implementation of Blockchain Technology (other examples of Blockchain implementation are:
Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) 

As quoted in Wikipedia: 

Hyperledger is an umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, 
started in December 2015 by the Linux Foundation.

The transactions are stored in the form of blocks in the chain. Every peer in that network has a copy of this. Only the validated and verified transactions are stored in the blockchain. 

Yes, Blockchain is a growing set of transactions and as the size of the Blockchain goes on increasing, there would be a problem to store data on every peer because of the increased size. This problem is known as Scalability.

answered Sep 7, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

selected Sep 7, 2018 by vinodkumar
0 votes

It was originated from IT majors like IBM and Intel who saw the benefits of Blockchain technology in Bitcoin. They didn’t wanted it to be used for financial transactions, so, forced them to develop their own software.

Since doing it separately would be a waste of resources, these companies centralized their software at the Hyperledger project and allowed a non-profit organization, Linux Foundation, to manage it.

Hyperledger was announced and formally named in December 2015 by 17 companies in a collaborative effort created to advance blockchain technology for cross-industry use in business.
answered Nov 20, 2018 by Mia
• 140 points
1 flag
Hey @Mia. So, Hyperledger is a project by IBM and Intel in collaboration?
–1 vote
Blockchain is a set of blocks which stores the transactional data. all these are sequentially stored in blocks. this can be altered easily further. because all they are sequentially stores. blockchain technology has a high demand and growth in the market of It industry.

Coming to the hyper ledger, it is a multi-project open source. this  can be mainly used to create cross-industry over blockchain. by using hyper ledger blockchain applications can be created and maintained
answered Sep 19, 2019 by sivaprasad
• 120 points
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