Visual C vs Visual C which is the best to learn

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I completed my C++ lessons and practises before beginning to learn Visual C++ with the book Ivor Horton's Visual C++.

The issue is that I am unable to grasp the language of this book and am having difficulty understanding the codes.

I want to study Visual C++ for Windows programme development and make a career out of it (I already know C++).

Some of my acquaintances advised me to convert to C# since it offers numerous library functions for creating GUIs, etc., and that it is difficult to develop Windows apps in Visual C++.

Now that the holidays have here, I intend to enrol in lessons; could you advise me on which language to study and which will be the easiest?

I've always wanted to study Visual C++, but it seems difficult when I don't comprehend concepts in reference books, for example.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance for your time.
Jul 22, 2022 in C++ by Nicholas
• 7,760 points

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In general, if you want to create Windows applications, you'll probably find a lot more easy examples to learn from in C# than in C++

C# has a sizable community for Windows GUI development.

You should get a beginner programming book rather than a reference book and go through it step by step.

If your objective is just GUI development, I'd recommend getting a decent, easy C# book and going through it from beginning to finish, doing all of the examples.

Learning from a "reference" book will not work since it is only for reference purposes and is not intended to teach concepts.
answered Jul 26, 2022 by Damon
• 4,960 points

edited Mar 5

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