What can a data frame do that a tibble cannot

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Tibbles provide a number of benefits over data frames, according to fans of the Tidyverse. The majority of them appear to be intended to shield the user from mistakes. For instance, tibbles, unlike data frames,

You can avoid dropping dimensions from your data without using the,drop=FALSE parameter.
won't let the column names to be partially matched by the $ operator.
Recycle your input vectors only if they have exactly one dimensional length.
I'm gradually coming to the conclusion that I should switch all of my data frames to tibbles. What are the main drawbacks of doing that? What can a data frame achieve that a tibble cannot, more specifically?

I want to be clear up front that I am not requesting information regarding data.table or any general criticisms of the Tidyverse. I am
Jul 20, 2022 in Data Science by avinash
• 1,840 points

edited Mar 4 22 views

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