In TypeScript how can I declare class method synonym

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I want to define class method which is supposed to do the same as other class method and return the same value. Something like that:

class Thing {
    _description : string
    description( new_desc : string ) : Thing {
        this._description = new_desc
        return this

    /** And here I want to define method which is doing absolutely the same and
        returning the same value, but targeting API users that are lazy to type.*/
    desc( ? ) {

In plain JavaScript I would do it like this:

class Thing {
    description( new_desc ) {
        this._description = new_desc
        return this

    desc() {
        return this.description.apply( this, arguments )

But it obviously breaks all the types inference and safety.

How can I do it in TypeScript to ensure type-safety?

Jul 18, 2022 in TypeSript by Logan
• 2,140 points

edited 5 days ago 7 views

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