Inline eding a column data in Power BI report

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Is there any way to edit the column data (1 column) updated by end-user. Which means that after publishing the report, the end-user fill or edits the column values, and these values are captured in the Data source. This is nothing but a write back the data through Power Bi visual (Mostly table) to the data source. This can be achieved by Power Apps. Power Apps allow me to edit the data in the published report and write back to the data source (The data sources are Sharepoint, excel, SQL, Azure anything i am able to do). But Without power apps how to acheive the task. How to edit value and write back to the data source. through the Power BI report.

Or else can we enable a column with customized dropdown values and the user will pick and select and send like form in power bi. Without power apps.
Jul 12, 2022 in Data Analytics by santosh

edited Mar 4 10 views

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