Control LED Blinking Using Java in Azure IoT Hub

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I want to be able to control LED bulbs using Azure IoT.Help with one sample example for turning LED on/off using java and Azure IOT.

Sep 5, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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Your description of what you did is not clear, and your question is too broad for SO. Based on my understanding for your description, I can only give some idea for you.

  1. To turn LED on/off, you need a micro board as a controller, such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi, to receive the switching signal to control a relay which connect LED with Power Supply, or directly to switch the 3.3V/5V port of the board which connect LED if the LED is enough small.

  2. For micro board device with Azure IoT Hub as below.

    • Using Arduino in C/C++ to send device-to-cloud message as heartbeat to Azure IoT Hub for keeping connection & online status, then be ready for receving cloud-to-device message as switching signal from Azure IoT Hub to do the action for switching LED.
    • Using Respberry Pi in Java with Oracle JDK for Linux ARM) or in C# on Windows IoT Core to do the same operations like Arduino above.
  3. Using Java to build a application for User Interface to communicate with Azure IoT Hub to send cloud-to-device messages and check these device status.

There are some sample which you can refer to, but not for Java.

  1. Change the on and off behavior of the LED on Arduino.
  2. Connect your Raspberry Pi 3 device to your IoT hub using C and Node.js
  3. Connect your Intel Edison device to your IoT hub using Node.js and C

Hope it helps. Any concern, please feel free to let me know if you can improve your description.

answered Sep 5, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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