You have some example jars in your hadoop installation directory.
The simplest thing you can do is run the teragen example(or wordcount). It is the first step in perform terasort.
- Go to the hadoop installation directory.
- Run "hadoop jar hadoop-examples-0.20.2-cdh3u0.jar" to see all the jars you can run.
- Go to home/[user] directory and create a file "example.txt" with the following data "This is a file to test Hadoop Installation example For the sake of the experiment, consider it to be 1TB"
- While you are in that directory, run "hadoop dfs -put examples.txt /" this uploads the file onto your HDFS
- Run "hadoop dfs -ls /" to check it is on there
- Go to your Hadoop installation directory and run "hadoop jar hadoop-examples-0.20.2-cdh3u0.jar teragen 1000 /user/teragendata" - 1000 is the size data is to be broken into and the other param is the output directory.
- On successful execution, you will see something like the text at the bottom.
- Now to see how your MR job was run, in your browser open JobTracker and see the completed jobs. "localhost50030/jobtracker.jsp"
Hope this answer helps :)