Oracle 8 yr experience with career break 4 If career shifted to Cloud computing Is there hope of getting job and what might be the salary structure to ask for

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My last company was Capagemini as Senior Analyst.I have 8+ yr of experience in Database -mainly oracle,SQL server.

I have 4+ year of career break.I want to get job in IT. I am searching for job and doing online training also.I want to shift my technology to cloud computing.

If i want to search job .Then following are the queries I have -

1) Can I get the job?

2) How is the salary that need to be asked and based on what criteria will they give it.? Will my past experience be considered for salary ?

3) Also will they consider me as fresher in new technology as I am fresher to that technology and treat also like fresher?

4) How many months will it take to get job as I am in need of job?

5) If I am shifting the technology?Which is the best combination so that I can search job with out of these - AWS,Devops,Azure,GCP,Python(prog language)

Can you let me know answers to all the queries asked at the earliest.


Jun 19, 2022 in Career Counselling by anonymous

edited Mar 4 10 views

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