The difference between Map and map from Purrr package in R

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Hello, I'm trying to add a name column to all of the components in my list by using the list's names. That is, I have eight tables in my list, each with its own name: table 1 through eight. So I can unlist them later and tell where the table came from.

This post was read, and the code works. By looping through elements in a vector, R may add columns to dataframes in a list.

Map(cbind, mylist, Cluster = names(mylist)) my list
However, I am perplexed by the Map (). Isn't this the map() function from the Purrr package? map() will take the arguments in the order they are given to it (data, function). I looked up Map in the Rstudio help, and it appears to be much more complex. And if I'm going to use the Purrr map, what should I do?
Jun 14, 2022 in Data Science by Avinash
• 1,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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The tilde just indicates to the map that what follows is a "formula." The first list we're passing (your list of dataframes) is abbreviated as x, and the second list is abbreviated as. The second list we're passing, y, contains the names of the dataframes. Map is for one list, map2 is for two lists (as in your example), and pmap is for three or more lists. mutate(data = mylist[[1]], new column name = names(mylist[[1]]) is the formula for the first df in the list.

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answered Jun 14, 2022 by Sohail
• 3,040 points

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