Jquery validation rules after submit checking retype-password first only if we type mismacth password in both fields other fields are empty

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enter image description hereI am using "jquery validation rules"

my jquery validation rules working fine during blur & tab.. but problem is.. after click on submit, its giving first preference to check password & confirm password.. then it goes to validate another fields.. how can i solve this?

screenshot is of during on click of submit button.. after clicking on submit.. its giving first preference to confirm-password check instead of sequencial check.. why its happening

after click on submit.. it should validate from top to bottom fields.. but its validating confirm-password field first

for form validation, but during validation check its checking "retype-password" means "equalTo" attribute first (only if we type mismacth password in both fields & other fields are empty)

Its checking "retype-password" first.. then checks other fields..

I want to validation checking preferences as per form field positions

Jun 13, 2022 in JQuery by gaurav
• 23,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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We need to validate a password every time whenever a user creates an account on any website or app. So, we have to verify a valid password as well as put the confirm password validation. For a valid password, the following parameters must be contained by it to be valid -

  • A password should be alphanumeric.
  • First letter of the password should be capital.
  • Password must contain a special character (@, $, !, &, etc).
  • Password length must be greater than 8 characters.
  • One of the most important that the password fields should not be empty.
answered Jun 13, 2022 by rajatha
• 7,680 points

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