interface Foo { abcdef: number; } let x: Foo | string; if (x instanceof Foo) { // ... }
But TypeScript gave me this error:
'Foo' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
To do type checking at runtime with an interface is using type guards, if interfaces you wish to check have different properties/functions.
let pet = getSmallPet(); if ((pet as Fish).swim) { (pet as Fish).swim(); } else if ((pet as Bird).fly) { (pet as Bird).fly(); }
My code is this: export interface TreeItem { ...READ MORE
I have a small problem, but big ...READ MORE
You can use the keyword Omit for ...READ MORE
I had the same issue and this ...READ MORE
first Install the plug-in with npm i ngx-seo ...READ MORE
https://github.com/garmeeh/next-seo use this git repo that contains ...READ MORE
I'm trying to sign a PSBT transaction ...READ MORE
Just add this in the app.module.ts file: import { FormsModule ...READ MORE
All you have to do is define ...READ MORE
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