Why does one use dependency injection

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I'm still attempting to figure out dependency injections (DI), and I'm failing miserably. It just seems ridiculous. My code is never a jumble; I rarely write virtual functions and interfaces (unless on rare occasions), and all of my configuration is magically serialised into a class using json.net (sometimes using an XML serializer).

I'm not sure what problem it's supposed to solve. It appears to be a method of saying: "hello there. Return an object of this kind that utilises these parameters/data when you encounter this function."
But... why would I ever use something like that? Note that I have never needed to use object as well, but I am aware of its purpose.

What are some real-world examples of when DI would be used in the development of a website or a desktop application? I can think of reasons why someone might wish to use interfaces/virtual functions in a game, but doing so in non-game code is exceedingly rare (to the point where I can't recall a single occasion).
May 31, 2022 in C# by rajiv
• 1,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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I believe that many people are perplexed by the distinction between dependency injection and a dependency injection framework (or a container as it is often called).

The concept of dependency injection is extremely straightforward. Instead of this below

public class A {
  private B b;

  public A() {
    this.b = new B(); // A *depends on* B

  public void DoSomeStuff() {
    // Do something with B here

public static void Main(string[] args) {
  A a = new A();

One can use this

public class A {
  private B b;

  public A(B b) { // A now takes its dependencies as arguments
    this.b = b; // look ma, no "new"!

  public void DoSomeStuff() {
    // Do something with B here

public static void Main(string[] args) {
  B b = new B(); // B is constructed here instead
  A a = new A(b);

That's all there is to it. This provides you with numerous benefits. Two of the most essential are the ability to control functionality from a single location (the Main() function) rather than distributing it throughout your program, and the ability to test each class independently (because you can pass mocks or other faked objects into its function Object() { [native code] } instead of a real value).

The disadvantage is that you now have a single mega-function that knows about all of your program's classes. DI frameworks can assist with this. However, if you're having difficulties grasping why this method is beneficial, I recommend starting with manual dependency injection to gain a better knowledge of what the various frameworks can do for you.

answered Jun 6, 2022 by pranav
• 2,590 points

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