How to filter docker inspect output so that only certain tag value pairs are displayed

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I built a small bridge network and connected it to a handful of containers.

I receive a lot of output when I run the docker network inspect webservers command, and I'd like to filter out the majority of it.

For example, I'd like to examine each container's IPv4Address value. This is an example of a json block:

"Containers": {
"2868125fa1f1b97fd765f7d6bd61d1d8eff3e9cb16ea6c3d5625ce1d331932b9": {
"Name": "tomcat",
"EndpointID": "36d35901e11d4b5be5336aa90e5161eca82c3a24f3661901461f3bfed2b2a2d3",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:14:00:03",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""

So I tried using ".Containers.IPv4Address" to retrieve IP address information, but the output was "no value":

kamo@ubox:~$ docker inspect -f '{{ .Containers.IPv4Address }}' webservers
<no value>

I also experimented with the "range" argument:

docker inspect -f '{{ range .Containers.IPv4Address }} {{ .IPv4Address }} {{ end }}' webservers

However, it created no output at all.

So, how can I use the --format parameter to obtain IPv4Address information?

What if I wanted to get two values out of each container: "Name" and "IPv4Address"?

Apr 30, 2022 in Docker by Abhijeet
• 180 points

edited 4 days ago 3 views

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