AWS EC2 Cost comparison in one place

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Currently having more than twenty AWS accounts and under each account having 6-10 On-demand EC2 instances both Linux and windows of different sizes and types, altogether around 100 instances. So looking for cost-saving options with various options such as Compute Saving Plan, EC2 Saving Plan, Reserve Instance however unable compare of all different options and their estimates side by side.

Though compute and EC2 estimates are given as recommendations through Billing->Cost Explorer but you need to go through each account, then select a different option e.c Compute or EC2 saving, then payment options, tenure 1 or 3 years and it display estimates.

I want to see all 100 instances and their prices on one page if possible as below

  • Under Compute saving plan for 1 and 3 years with full, partial or no upfront payment

  • under EC2 saving plan for 1 and 3 years with full, partial or no upfront payment

  • Under reserved instance for 1 and 3 years with full, partial or no upfront payment

Is there any easier way to get this done?

Apr 29, 2022 in AWS by Rahul
• 9,680 points

edited 4 days ago 10 views

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