Sum two columns lying in two different table based on a condition

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Table 1
Platform Sales Cost
A 100 50
B 200 100
B 300 100
D 50 10


Table 2
Channels Result
A 50
B 100
B 50
C 200


I wanted to create a calculated field for platform B, that adds Sales # for platform B from table 1 and add the Results# for Channels B from Table 2. So, the calculated field should give me Platform B total = 200 + 300 + 100 +50 = 650. Basically in Channels and Platforms are same. But I need this calculated field specifically for Platform B. Does it make sense?  Any help you can provide that will be awesome!

Thank you in advance.

Apr 27, 2022 in Tableau by Paromita

edited 5 days ago 10 views

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