Tableau Control Chart - Attribute measure incorrect

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I have a control chart with a time period on the X-axis and the measure's value on the Y-axis (I'd like to plot all the points in a control chart).

However, as a measure, I have two separate values that have the same date (up to a second match) but different measure values.

When I plot this on a control chart, instead of two points with values of 500 and 550, for example, it only shows me one point with a value of around 200. It also indicates that this axis has a NULL value, pointing to the X-axis, where two records have the exact same date.

Is there anything I can do to fix this - or get Tableau to draw the measure points correctly?

Thank you very much in advance!
Apr 25, 2022 in Tableau by Neha
• 9,020 points

edited 5 days ago 4 views

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