List of agile best practices

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I am trying to define which agile practices we are going to use, and I am having difficulty defining the list of agile best practices. I would like my list to be more from a technical point of view (the engineer's angle of view), and should define how SW engineers should approach the development. The list should be related to the management as least as possible.

If it matters, we are programming in c++.

It is fairly easy finding lots of best practices, and this is the list I managed to form so far :

  1. Refactoring
  2. Small release cycles
  3. Coding standard
  4. Collective ownership
  5. System metaphor
  6. Planing game
  7. Whole team
  8. Scrum daily meetings
  9. Pair programming
  10. Test Driven Design
  11. Behaviour driven development
  12. Continuous integration
  13. Code and design reviews
  14. Active stakeholders
  15. Document late
  16. Extensive use of design patterns

We are already using some of the practices from the list. Some we are not going to use.

Are there good agile practices that I could add to the list?

PS I can add a small description of the practices, if requested.


As I said, we are already using some agile practices (mostly the practices that proves to be the best) :

  1. Continuous integration - this is very good practice. Getting the fast feedback on the latest check-ins is very useful. Having a down time because someone broke a build can be very frustrating, especially if it last longer.
  2. System metaphor - it helps little, because having descriptive class and function names helps understand the code better
  3. Code standard - we created the coding standard before getting into the coding. Using uniform code style is good, because anyone can take another's code and work on it like on it's own.
  4. TDD - before started coding, we set up the environment to easy create unit tests, but only until recently we started adopting the TDD principles. I personally tried it several years ago, and it didn't go so well, but now I love it. Unfortunately, not all team members are doing it - only half team.
  5. Scrum daily meetings - we tried daily meetings and they didn't go so well. As well as on my previous job, daily meetings usually turns into 30+ minutes discussions. I guess we missed good scrum master (or leader, how is it called?)
  6. Refactoring - we did refactoring, but only if someone from the team creates a change request. We didn't do it like on purpose : "Lets sit now, and reduce our technical debt".
  7. Small release cycles - right now we have huge release cycles (6 months), and for next release we are planing to break the cycle into 4-6 inner releases.
  8. Code and design reviews - we did the initial design review (like 5 years ago), and few designs reviews of some minor sub-components during this period. We did code reviews of some classes
  9. Document late - we did it for this release. Only required documentation means writing documentation less and more fun coding. Developers are loving it :)
  10. Use of design patterns - we are already using design patterns where appropriate.

Because of the structure of our organization we can not use other practices, but as you can see the list is long, and you can not pick everything. Also, now we are only 4 SW developers, each maintaining approximately 80 kLOC and working on new stuff. Therefore we can not do for example pair programming, or collective ownership.

Apr 19, 2022 in PMP by Edureka
• 13,690 points

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