What is the difference between testing and UAT in agile scrum process

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I have been a QE for 4 years in a product company that follows waterfall methodology. I am trying to understand how and when UAT is performed in an agile methodology? I know, agile testers use the acceptance criterias of user stories to frame the test cases. But, isn't the acceptance criterias also help to frame the acceptance tests? Then what is the difference between SIT test cases and UAT test cases in agile? Can anyone please clarify my confusion. Thanks!
Apr 18, 2022 in PMP by Edureka
• 13,690 points

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This post describes an approach for handling user acceptance, alpha testing, and beta testing in an agile environment. There are many types of testing in modern software development, and it is easy to confuse the purpose and timing of each. This is especially true for tests that take place outside of  core development and quality assurance activities (units, integrations, regression testing, etc.).
 But UAT, alpha and beta testing is special. These forms of testing  bring  people and environments out of control over time. Ultimately, you'll gain valuable product insights that will help your product management, development, quality assurance, UI / UX, support, sales, and marketing teams. It should also be noted that there are many variations in
 agile and software development. As a result, there are many variations on the concepts described below. This post provides a basic framework for building successful test programs, but expects differences between different companies.

The user story is ready to launch and should be reviewed outside the business owner and development team. This propagates the software program to people and the environment outside the challenge team.
 people and the environment tend to behave unpredictably and regularly discover problems that are not detected in a controlled environment. The
 Alpha Tester should be able to rely on bugs, general performance issues, crashes, and Littletono documentation.
 Why do you need an alpha test? Alpha Testing facilitates make certain the software program is behaves as predicted throughout a broader set of customers and environments. Alpha Testing need to discover showstoppers on the way to save you Beta Testing.
 When does Alpha Testing happen?  Alpha happens in any case capabilities are developed, had been examined via the Development/QA organizations, and had been signed off with the aid of using the Product Owner (thru UAT).
 Alpha Testing levels normally run 12 weeks, however this varies extensively primarily based totally on the dimensions and complexity of the launch.
 Duplicate development phases may be provided as follows:
 Alpha Week 12
 Development week 23
answered Apr 20, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

edited Mar 5

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