How to combine multiple S3 objects in the target S3 object w o leaving S3

+2 votes

I understand that the minimum part size for uploading to an S3 bucket is 5MB Is there any way to have this changed on a per-bucket basis?

The reason I'm asking is there is a list of raw objects in S3 which we want to combine in the single object in S3.

Using PUT part/copy we are able to "glue" objects in the single one providing that all objects except last one are >= 5MB. However sometimes our raw objects are not big enough and in this case when we try to complete multipart uploading we're getting famous error "Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed size" from AWS S3.

Any other idea how we could combine S3 objects without downloading them first?

Aug 28, 2018 in AWS by bug_seeker
• 15,510 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

"However sometimes our raw objects are not big enough... "

You can have a 5MB garbage object sitting on S3 and do concatenation with it where part 1 = 5MB garbage object, part 2 = your file that you want to concatenate. Keep repeating this for each fragment and finally use the range copy to strip out the 5MB garbage

answered Aug 28, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
@Priyaj , The idea seems to be great , but can you please help to clarify the following:

By Concatenation did u mean reading the smaller chunk file stream and the garbage object and then concat and write back. Do you think there is some better way of doing that instead of reading the whole stream.

 Also if keep repeating the same , there were multiple chunks of garbage collection in between the concatenated file, how do I remove it from the file as the file is already written to S3 with those Garbage object.Did u mean ready only the desired part , in that case I have to maintain those ranges (or a delimiter ) to separate that 5MB , is this what you are talking about. Please suggest.

I think using garbage collection seems like a lot of hard work and also, there is no way of deleting with this garbage collection. 

I think it's better to use the multipart upload. Here what happens is that you first initiate the multipart upload and then upload part by part. Assign a unique number to each part. Once you've uploaded everything, s3 concatenates the parts in ascending order of the part number. 

But again the minimum size of each part is 5MB. So make sure you divide your object into parts accordingly. 

Have a look at this:

So finally I implemented it, I stream all the files one by one and created temporary files of 5MB each, then using copypartObject and Multipart upload I created the consolidated files using the 5MB files in order.

So if I have originally 3 files of 6 MB , 7 MB and 4 MB- I created 3 files of 5 + 5 +5+2 and then used Multipart upload on these files.

Hopefully, it will help someone.
Hey @Ankur, I am glad you figured the workaround. It seems like a very smart approach. Can you post this as an answer as well so that its easier for other readers to understand? Thanks a lot!
@Ankur Bhutiany: how did you achieve this part "stream all the files one by one and created temporary files "
You can create a snapshot of that file using a copypartObject class.

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