I'm using the AWS PHP SDK to upload a file to S3 and then transcode it with Elastic Transcoder.
First pass everything works fine, the putobject command overwrites the old file (always named the same) on s3:
$s3->putObject([ 'Bucket' => Config::get('app.aws.S3.bucket'), 'Key' => $key, 'SourceFile' => $path, 'Metadata' => [ 'title' => Input::get('title') ] ]);
However, when creating a second transcoding job, i get the error:
The specified object could not be saved in the specified bucket because an object by that name already exists
the transcoder role has full s3 access. Is there a way around this or will i have to delete the files using the SDK every time before it's transcoded?
My create job:
$result = $transcoder->createJob([ 'PipelineId' => Config::get('app.aws.ElasticTranscoder.PipelineId'), 'Input' => [ 'Key' => $key ], 'Output' => [ 'Key' => 'videos/'.$user.'/'.$output_key, 'ThumbnailPattern' => 'videos/'.$user.'/thumb-{count}', 'Rotate' => '0', 'PresetId' => Config::get('app.aws.ElasticTranscoder.PresetId') ], ]);