Excel - Create item list from table values

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I have a table of tools that are currently on our construction sites with how many of each tool is on each site which looks something like this:

Item Table

I'm trying to create a formula that will list the tools that are on the site and skip those that aren't with the quantity listed next to the tool. I tried creating a drop down list of the top row that will determine which column the formula looks down - seemed simple enough on paper but I'm struggling to put it into practice.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

Apr 6, 2022 in Database by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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What is Data Validation, and how does it work?
The data validation tool in Microsoft Excel allows you to limit what can be entered in your worksheet. You can, for example:

restrict entries, such as a date range or entire integers, by creating a drop down list of objects in a cell Make specific rules for what can be entered exclusively.

list of options for drop down

What Is a Drop Down List and How Do I Make One?
You can build a dropdown list of options in a cell using Data Validation. There are three simple steps to follow:

1. Make a table of contents OR a list

2. Give the List a Name

3. Make the drop-down menu

Data validation is not without flaws. It can be avoided by pasting data into the cell or using the Ribbon's Home tab's Clear > Clear All option.

list of options for drop down

list of options for drop down

list of options for drop down

answered Apr 11, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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