How do I know what s going to be deleted

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I've been working on SQL-Alchemy which involves using more complex, hierarchical models with differing settings on how cascade deletes are handled it gets quite hard to figure out beforehand what a delete() will exactly do with the database. 

So can someone tell me a way around to find what exactly will be deleted by delete()?

Aug 28, 2018 in Python by aryya
• 7,460 points

1 answer to this question.

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An easy system would be to add a new event "flush_plan_complete" which will put you into a flush() right as the full plan has been assembled, but before any SQL occurs. It could allow you to register more objects for activity, and it would then rerun the flush plan to consider any new changes (since that's how it works right now anyway). How this registration would proceed is tricky, since it would be nice to use the Session normally there, but that makes this more complicated to implement. But then it could iterate again through the new changes and find any remaining steps to take before proceeding normally.

I hope this answer helps you :)

answered Aug 28, 2018 by anonymous

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