Protect photo ownership using blockchain

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I am new to blockchain technology and I want to make a project on protecting photo ownership using blockchain. I have read many articles and research papers on this topic. Which blockchain technology shall I use? how to store images in a block of blockchain? Can I take an image as input using solidity?
Apr 5, 2022 in Blockchain by Soham
• 9,710 points

1 answer to this question.

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Photo ownership can be protected using Blockchain Technology but you will have to decide what are the parameters of photo ownership to be stored in Blockchain. Blockchain by design stores the timestamp of the photo ownership. Blockchain also provides a tamper-evident audit trail. You can decide what all activities related to Photo ownership need to be stored in Blockchain. You have to map the lifecycle of photo file creation, edit, and update activities into Blockchain. It is also important to map all the users involved in the creation, editing and update of the photo as the participants in the photo ownership network. If you are planning to use the Ethereum Blockchain protocol, you can write the smart contracts for photo ownership in Solidity language. You can store the image in IPFS and pass the hash of the image into the Solidity Smart Contract. You can also store the image in other distributed file systems and databases such as MongoDB, OrbitDB, FlureeDB, BigChainDB etc. Please find a reference Dapp for this use case here.

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answered Apr 7, 2022 by Aditya
• 7,680 points

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