Does the crypto wallet Exodus reveal your IP Address

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I've read that "SPV Wallets," also called "thin wallets," such as Electrum, reveal some personal information such as your IP address. Apparently, this is different from a "full node" wallet that downloads the entire blockchain.

When searching, I didn't find info on the classification of the "Exodus" wallet (desktop application) or the MEWConnect wallet (phone application) of ""

Do these wallets reveal your IP address? Why or why not?

I hope my terminology is accurate - I am a novice with this stuff.

Thank you so much!
Apr 4, 2022 in Blockchain by Rahul
• 9,680 points

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When you connect to someone else you ALWAYS reveal your IP to someone. There a 2 types of "Thin wallets" which are centralized and SPV. When using a centralized wallet you always send a transaction, and receive data through the same server which is provided by your wallet receiver. If the server shuts down your wallet, it is not usable unless you export your private keys. With SPV wallets you connect to various randomly selected wallets approximately three to be precise. All of them get your IP and it is more decentralized because it verifies it from multiple peers and thus ensures the authenticity.
answered Apr 6, 2022 by Aditya
• 7,680 points

edited Mar 5

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