DevOps vs Docker

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I am wondering how exactly does docker fit into CI /CD . I understand that with help of containers, you may focus on code , rather than dependencies/environment. But once you check-in your code, you will expect tools like TeamCity, Jenkins or Bamboo to take care of integration build , integration test/unit tests and deployment to target servers ( after approvals) where you will expect same Docker container image to run the built code. However, in all above, Docker is nowhere in the CI/CD cycle , though it comes into play when execution happens at server. So, why do I see articles listing it as one of the things for DevOps. I could be wrong , as I am not a DevOps guru, please enlighten !
Mar 16, 2022 in DevOps & Agile by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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In recent years, DevOps tools have become more widespread. These tools are intended to help developers and operators communicate better and provide faster IT service delivery. With the use of these tools, development and operations teams can collaborate closely to provide software services. Here is a list of the best DevOps tools available.

Docker is a Linux-based software container platform. Application and infrastructure developers can use the tool to create a virtual environment that will serve as a platform for increased innovation. Go is the programming language used to create the open-source platform. It is lightweight in nature because it doesn't require any hypervisor load. Docker users may create apps both in the cloud and on-premises thanks to the modular design.

Users can automate the deployment, maintenance, and scaling of containerized applications using Google's open-source platform. Docker makes it easy for programmers to create and operate software. With the support of Kubernetes, DevOps teams can automate container management in a cluster. It may even assist them in monitoring the containers more effectively. Compared to other DevOps tools, Kubernetes is a sophisticated system. However, it enables users to quickly diagnose and solve problems. Cloud Native Computing Foundation is in charge of Kubernetes' upkeep (CNCF).
answered Mar 24, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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