Data Manipulation with powerBI Dax

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I want to make some data manipulation with Dax. Here's what I need:

  1. Number of lines for each month in ' First Date' & number of lines for each month in 'Last Date'

  2. Filtered by category and country.

  3. Make a graph like the one on the screen.

Here's the Data and the graph I want.

Thank you in advance,

enter image description here

enter image description here

Mar 10, 2022 in Power BI by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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SELECTCOLUMNS is a function that adds computed columns to a table or a table expression.
SUBSTITUTEWITHINDEX returns a table that depicts a left semijoin of the two input tables.
SUMMARIZE generates a summary table for the totals requested over a collection of groups.

SUMMARIZECOLUMNS creates a summary table for a bunch of data.

Returns a table with one or more columns by using the Table Constructor.

TOPN returns the supplied table's top N rows.

TREATAS filters columns from an unrelated table using the result of a table expression.

UNION From two tables, it creates a union (join) table.

VALUES returns a single-column table containing the unique values from the supplied table or column.

ROLLUP modifies SUMMARIZE's behaviour by adding rollup rows to the result on the columns specified by the groupBy columnName argument.
ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL modifies the behaviour of SUMMARIZECOLUMNS by adding rollup/subtotal rows based on the groupBy columnName columns to the result.
Within an ADDMISSINGITEMS statement, ROLLUPISSUBTOTAL pairs rollup groups with the column added by ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL.
ROLLUPGROUP modifies SUMMARIZE and SUMMARIZECOLUMNS behaviour by adding rollup rows to the result on columns given by the groupBy columnName argument.
ROW returns a table with a single row containing the values that each column's expressions produce.

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answered Mar 14, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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