A statistical classification method that fits data to a logistic function is known as logistic regression. Orange adds features to the approach such as stepwise variable selection and handling of constant variables and singularities.
The code below will help you understand a few things:
import Orange
data = Orange.data.Table("titanic")
log_reg = Orange.classification.logreg.LogRegLearner(data)
# compute classification accuracy
correct = 0.0
for feature in titanic:
if log_reg(feature) == feature.getclass():
correct += 1
print "Classification accuracy:", correct / len(data)
print Orange.classification.logreg.dump(log_reg)
Classification accuracy: 0.778282598819
class attribute = survived
class values = <no, yes>
Feature beta st. error wald Z P OR=exp(beta)
Intercept -1.23 0.08 -15.15 -0.00
status=first 0.86 0.16 5.39 0.00 2.35e0
status=second -0.16 0.18 -0.91 0.36 8.51e-1
status=third -0.92 0.15 -6.12 0.00 3.98e-1
age=child 1.06 0.25 4.30 0.00 2.89e0
sex=female 2.42 0.14 17.04 0.00 1.12e1
This is taken from the orange 2.7 documentation. Hope this helps to answer your question.