Is it possible to store images on the Ethereum blockchain

+1 vote
I have been ramping up on learning Solidity and have some ideas. I am keen to know if the files/images can be put on the blockchain. I'm thinking an alternative would be some hybrid approach where some stuff is on the blockchain, and some stuff is in a more traditional file storage and uses address references to grab it. One issue I foresee is the gas price of file uploads. Any help reading this will be well appreciated!!
Feb 24, 2022 in Blockchain by Soham
• 9,710 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

This is possible for your information but, however I would not recommend this as the cost of file uploads and data storage is really expensive as it is estimated to be around 640k gas per kilobyte of data. The price has increased in today's market as 1 ETH is approximately worth $200 which only works efficiently at $2 per kilobyte. According to your understanding of this, you should be able to understand if the price of Gas and Ether is worth the money at the time. This price number only increases with time and it is upto you to decide if this is expensive or not for your application. Hope this answers your question!! 

answered Feb 24, 2022 by Aditya
• 7,680 points

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