AWS DynamoDB Queries Not Showing user data unless with Admin privileges

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I'm currently not able to query DynamoDB as a generic user to obtain the user's own details. It's worth noting when given admin privileges the user can execute queries and the work as intended; so it's not a problem with the data but rather the privileges of users.

I believe the problem is arising due to the nature of "owner" property in graphQL and my means of authentication (which is email & password). I believe the "owner" property might only work with username & password but I cannot find any documentation to back this so it's a stab in the dark. Does anyone have any ideas as to why the user is unable to receive their own data?
Feb 23, 2022 in AWS by Rahul
• 2,120 points

1 answer to this question.

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Replace ownerfield "username" with "id"  

type user @model
@auth (rules: [
{allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"]}
{allow: owner, ownerField: "id", operations: [read]}
`id: ID!
email: String!

answered Feb 23, 2022 by Korak
• 5,820 points

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