In an Excel sheet, you have columns for Items, Quantity, and Price. You'll need the grand total after each row's total after (Quantity * price) columns:
Is there a simple solution? The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies and returns the sum of corresponding arrays or ranges. To calculate the grand total in the aforementioned scenario, use the formula:
The following is the general syntax for utilising the SUMPRODUCT function:
SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3],...) SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3],...) SUMPRODUCT(arra
The array1 or range1 that you wish to multiply to get the sum is the first argument. This is a must.
Optional arrays include the second, third, and so forth.
Any non-numeric array item is treated as a zero by the SUMPRODUCT function.
SUMPRODUCT returns a #VALUE error if the size of the arrays are not the same.