To understand the differences between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY, we can take an example:
Let us consider a table named Students with the following values:
id firstname lastname mark
1 abhay sahay 50
2 akshay sharma 55
3 rohit tiwari 51
6 new tiwari 57
1 abhay sahay 55
1 abhay sahay 59
2 akshay sharma 59
GROUP BY clause is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n,
aggregate_function (aggregate_expression)
FROM tables
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY expression1, expression2, ... expression_n;
Applying GROUP BY in our previous table,
select SUM(mark)marksum,firstname from Students
group by id,firstname
Final Results:
marksum firstname
114 akshay
164 abhay
57 new
51 rohit
In the table we had 7 rows and after applying GROUP BY id, the number of rows reduced by adding up each row with the same name. That is it group each name with their marks and resulted in summing up the marks.
PARTITION BY does not reduce the number of rows that is returned.
We can apply PARTITION BY in our table:
SELECT SUM(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY id) AS marksum, firstname FROM Students
marksum firstname
164 abhay
164 abhay
164 abhay
114 akshay
114 akshay
51 rohit
57 new